If you dont have time to train your dog or if you struggle to teach the skills you would like him/her to learn, residential training might be just what you are looking for! This can be combined either with day care or overnight boarding.
Your dog will stay in our home as part of our family. I only take in one dog for residential training at the time so that I can really consentrate on training that individual.
Your dog will have individually tailored training plan to address his/her training needs.
Please note that at least two to three weeks of training is required to establish and proof a new behaviour. Some issues might take longer time. The shorter the stay, the more home work there will be to finalise the training.
There is no quick fix to behavioural issues. Learning is a lifetime process, and a dog is never 'fixed for life'. Therefore, a training package will include 1-2 hour session with you on the pick up day to make sure you are able to maintain and further develop the new skills at home. You will also have 6 months email & phone support in case you need some further advice.
Alternatively, I offer Take & train and Walk & Train in East Leake, Clifton, Kegworth and surrounding villages. Take & Train involves training the dog at whichever location is necessary for his/her training issue, such as counter surfing or door manners at home. Walk & Train is a combination of a walk and working on leash skills, recall, reactivity or basic obedience on-off during the walk.
Residential Training