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Special Puppy Package


Are you planning to get a puppy or already have a new family member at home?


Often people think that you need to wait until the puppy is of certain age before you start training him. However, young dogs are very eager to learn new things!


Did you know that your puppy will start learning how to live as a part of your family the second he meets you and walks into your house? Every interaction with the puppy is a great opportunity to teach him important life skills, and to build the strong foundation for your future relationship with him.


Prevention is better than cure. Thus, it is best to do your research about puppy training before you get the dog, and plan how you will deal with the challenges and new situations from the minute he/she joins the household. For example, if you do not want the puppy to jump on people or pull on the leash, it is best to teach the puppy from the very beginning how you want him to behave instead.


Ideally, our first meeting of the puppy package is arranged before your dog even arrives to its new home! Contrary to a puppy class, this package can be started before all the necessary vaccinations are given. Thereby, you get your puppy straight to the right track rather than letting him develop bad habits which can be difficult to get rid of!


I offer an individually tailored Puppy Training Package which could include:


-the first seven days in the new home (avoiding sleepless nights!)


-house training, chewing, mouthing (the puppy basics!)


-leave it, drop it (when he has got or wants something he shouldn't...)


-sit, down, wait, enough, settle/calm down (these skills develop self control and are useful in many situations)


-recall, walking on a leash, greeting people nicely (how to behave out and about)


-accepting handling (grooming and health care), how to prevent resource guarding, training to be left alone (making life easier, less stressful and preventing problems)


-mental activation games & toys (how to get the puppy tired and content...)


-introducing your puppy to other pets in the household


-introducing new things (people, animals, situations, objects) to your puppy, in other words how to 'socialise' him


-what to do if your puppy doesnt like other dogs or gets overexcited around them


The training package mainly concentrates to life skills that may not be a part of a standard puppy class, thus complementing rather than replacing a class.  Rather than being tied to a fixed dates and times, we can meet as often as you wish and when it best suits you.


Moreover, if you have the package first and we go through how to teach some basic obedience, you get most out of a puppy class. When your puppy already masters some skills at a familiar environment, in a class you can then practise those skills under disctractions, which is an essential part of proofing any new skill!


Importantly, I offer email and phone support during the package. If you have any questions between our sessions, I am more than happy to help!


The training includes four one-to-one sessions (60min each) so that we can concentrate on you and your dog, and tailor the training to suit your specific needs.  Price just £129! (Normal prize for 4 hr bundle is £159). Alternatively, sign up for our online course Good Dog Level 1 (£60) and get one or two 1hr 1-2-1 sessions for a discounted price (£35/hr), in total ££95-130.


We also offer a 7 day survival guide to advise you before the puppy comes home and to support you during the first seven crucial days of settling your new puppy in and setting you all up to success from the first day and night! It comprises of 1.5 hr initial visit/online consult and phone/online support during the first week (£69 in total).





Cute Puppy
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